Today, we’re diving into something super important and yet simple when you break it down: our circadian rhythm, how our daily habits fit into it, and how we can use the 80/20 rule to simplify our health journey.

So, let’s start with this: circadian rhythms are basically your body’s internal clock. It tells you when to wake up, when to eat, when to sleep, and it even affects your digestion and energy levels. In Ayurveda, we call this tuning in to your natural flow. But let’s face it,  most of us have messed up our rhythm at some point – late nights, eating at odd hours, stress, all of it.

When we start aligning our habits with our body’s natural clock, that’s when real magic happens. Imagine feeling more energized, sleeping better, looking better and having your body naturally know when to wind down. How amazing would that be?

Let’s break down a few simple habits you can start using right away:

  1. Wake up with the sun: Ayurveda or using your circadian rhythm encourages waking up early, around dawn, to sync with nature. This is when our bodies are primed for action. So, instead of that snooze button, try getting up a little earlier and notice how it sets the tone for your day.
  2. Eating with the sun: Your digestion is strongest when the sun is highest, so have your biggest meal around lunch. Dinner? Keep it lighter and earlier – your body will thank you for it when it comes time to sleep.
  3. Power down before bed: In Ayurveda, we say ‘like increases like.’ So if you’re addicted to  late-night TV or scrolling through your phone, it’s going to be hard to sleep. Turn down the lights,maybe even replace the bulb with a red or amber light,  turn off the screens, and ease into rest. Your sleep will be deeper, and you’ll wake up feeling refreshed.

Now, how do we keep this simple? That’s where the 80/20 rule comes in. This rule says that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. In terms of health, it means focus on the few key habits that give you the biggest benefits, and let go of the stuff that’s not serving you.

So instead of stressing about doing everything perfectly – the perfect workout, the perfect diet, the perfect routine – ask yourself, ‘What’s really moving the needle for me?’ Is it getting to bed earlier? Is it meal timing? Pick those top 1-2 habits that have the biggest impact, and just let go of the rest.

The 80/20 rule is like a declutter for your life. We don’t need a hundred new habits – just a few solid ones that fit with our natural rhythms.


  • Sync with the sun.
  • Simplify your habits.
  • And trust that small, aligned actions create big results

Now, before we wrap up – I want to invite you to take the next step! If you’re ready to dive deeper into syncing your habits with your circadian rhythm and creating a healthier, more aligned lifestyle, I’d love to offer you a free 30-minute discovery call. During the call, we’ll talk about your current routines, identify what’s working, and what you can let go of to get the most out of your health journey.

Click the link in the description to schedule your free call, and let’s figure out how you can feel more energized, sleep better, and truly thrive. I can’t wait to connect with you! Leave me a comment below and let me know which habit you’re going to focus on this week. Thanks for joining me, and until next time, keep thriving!

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