Do you want a stronger immune system? Perhaps you are interested in losing weight, fitting exercise into your life or learning about intermittent fasting, or, maybe you just want to feel and sleep better? I can help with these issues and more with the three programs I offer:

  • Body Reset Club
  • Corporate Coaching Program
  • One-On-One Coaching

Body Reset Club

My Body Reset club teaches you how to adopt 10 habits (see below) that enable you to live a more easeful and rhythmic life. Over the course of four, 12-week sessions, we use the Kaizen approach to ditch old and potentially harmful habits and build new healthy habits. (Kaizen means small incremental changes implemented over time.)

Understanding these habits is the easy part. Learning how to make the habits a permanent part of your daily living is key, and the Body Reset club provides the tools and knowledge to accomplish this and take your life to the next level.

Get Started: Join Body Reset Club
What does the Body Reset club program include?

One-on-one coaching
At the beginning of each 12-week session, Body Reset club member will have a 45-minute, one-on-one coaching session to check-in and discuss your personal goals, challenges or any other issue that needs to be addressed.

Weekly group Zoom sessions
In each session, we delve into one of the ten habits, reinforcing the value of the habit and teaching you methods to make each  a permanent part of your life journey. These sessions also serve to build community as we gather and share our stories. The call will be recorded in case you cannot make a session or want to re-listen.

Body Thrive Book
Each member of receives a PDF copy of Body Thrive, by Cate Stillman, which we will use as a reference textbook.

Social Media Group
This group is to share your experiences, mentor and support each other and grow with this dynamic group. You will be sent a link to join once you have started.

Guest speakers
There will be guest speakers – to be announced.

Exercise Videos
I’ll share videos of my favorite quick “exercise breaks” to take during your day.

One new recipe per month will be shared with you.

Bonus Calls
Additional calls will be scheduled on a “as needed” basis, based on zoom discussions, Facebook threads and community book reads.

Quarterly Bonus Add-ons
More to come on this!!

Swag Bag
My gift to you for enrolling in my 1 year program.

What are the 10 habits Body Reset addresses?

The 10 habits are based on holistic practices that have been in practice for more than 5,000 years. Over the centuries,  people who have adopted these habits have created a more connected and vibrant life. 

There’s a lot to each habit, but here is a brief overview:

1. Eat an Earlier Lighter Dinner
Is lunch your main meal or do you do your body the disservice of holding out for large and late dinner? Body Reset shows you how eating a satisfying lunch will diminish skyrocketing blood sugar crashes and cravings, allowing you to go to bed feeling light.

2. Get to Bed Early
Are lights out by 10? If not, you’re out of the 24-hr natural rhythm and probably not getting the sleep you need. Body Reset will help you get to bed earlier and wake before dawn to the quiet sacred time before the daily hustle consumes you.

3. Start Your Day Right
Wake up, hydrate, poop. Don’t soil today with yesterday’s fecal matter. If you’ve had your main meal at lunch, by the morning your body will be ready to release waste and welcome your life force energy. Body Reset will help experience a grounding, energizing rush of energy in the colon after hydrating and pooping before the day begins.

4. 20-Minute Breath Body Practice Before Breakfast
We are all glorified monkeys with big brains who, when healthy, love to monkey around! Body Reset teaches you to get moving before you break your fast. We combine cardio (i.e. dancing), hardening (i.e. crossfit), softening (i.e. yoga), and playfulness practices (i.e. wrestling with your kids) to help you find your perfect breath body balance.

5. Eat a Plant-Based Diet
Variety is the spice of life! How many plant-species did you eat this week? Body Reset shows you how to pursue local, native, and invasive species, and to eat seasonally. Body Reset shows you how to bring new plants into your diet and notice which plant parts you crave in which season: seeds, sprouts, roots, shoots, leaves, or fruits. Mix it up for balance.

6. Self-Massage
Are your joints sore and stiff? For centuries, self-massage has been an important habit of the ancients, who rubbed themselves down with sesame oil before the days activities. Oil lubricates the joints and wards-off old age. Body Reset shows you the benefits of using organic, cold-pressed oils on your skin, daily, while avoiding chemical-laden lotions. Skin is your largest organ and your hands are designed to heal and nurture.

7. Sit in Silence
With all the hubbub of our digitally-activated lives, it seems a luxury to unplug and simply sit and do nothing. Yet, this is a necessity for your mental health. Body Reset teaches you to sit in silence. Yup, that’s right, sit in silence, observe natures sounds, let your senses take a break, check out the clouds. Let your busy mind, emotions, and nerves hit the reset button. Do it. It will help you make great choices. Practice silence to tap into self beyond mind.

8. Come to Your Senses
Your senses are the gateway to your experiences. Body Reset shows you how best to take a break from the digital world and social media. Rest your eyes on the horizon, apply oil in your ears and nostrils and scrape your tongue. When done regularly, these practices open your lenses of perception and aid the longevity of your sense organs.

9. Healthier Eating Habits
Do you eat again before previously ingested food is digested? This results in your blood sugar staying jacked up and, instead of burning fat, you burn sugar and crave carbs. Avoid stacking your meals to burn fat, the stabilizing energy of choice for body and mind. Unless you’re seriously convalescing or nursing a babe, consuming more than four times daily typically signifies emotional eating. Three meals a day is about right. Don’t starve or overstuff your stomach, drink only water between meals, eat in a calm environment, and invoke gratitude before digging in.

10. Choose Easeful Living Over Stress
Like a toggle switch in your nervous system, you live in either reaction or reception. Reaction unconsciously meanders toward tension, limitation, and disconnection perpetuating stress. Reception leads to an extraordinary, heart-centric, intimate, and evolutionary life cultivating ease. With Body Reset, learn to simply pause…take a breath…and decide. Can you expand even when your thoughts or emotions want you to contract? Practice receptivity to experience easeful living.

Schedule a free 45-minute consult to see if Body Reset is right for you!

Get Started
It takes time to change habits

Research shows that it can take a long time to successfully change habits. In short, a habit doesn’t become habit until it’s essentially second nature. Before then, it’s simply a behavior that takes effort to complete. Some researchers say a single habit could take anywhere from 18 to 254 days to form a new habit

To that end, the Body Reset program has been designed to help members adopt the ten basic daily habits over a one-year program, divided into 4 12-week sessions. 

We do that by working on all of the ten habits during a 12-week period, then revisiting and reinforcing all 10 habits during each of the following three 12-week sessions. As we progress, you will learn advanced techniques and tools to help you successfully adopt and engrain the habits.

In order to achieve the best results, we ask group members to consider committing to the program for one year. After the first 12-week session, you will start seeing the mental and physical benefits of some or all of our ten habits.

If you’re unable to commit to the full year, I invite you to join one 12-week session. I’m confident that you will see enough of a benefit—as well as what’s possible moving ahead—to motivate you to stick with the program for the entire year. 

How much does the Body Reset club cost?

The one-year Body Reset club (four 12-week sessions) fee is $3600, divided into 12 payments of $300. Your first payment reserves your spot (space is limited), and you will be billed every 4 weeks after that. 

Save $500 on the one-year Body Rest program by paying up front, for a total of $3100

The 12-week Body Rest club fee is $900, divided into 3 payments of $300. Your first payment reserves your spot (space is limited), and you will be billed every 4 weeks after that.

Save $100 on the 12-week Body Reset program by paying up front, for a total of $800

Body Reset club will be available to a limited number of people and give them the opportunity to participate in habits that can and will refocus your life.  We learn how to habit automate and design a more easeful, rhythmic life. Understanding the habits is the easy part. Learning how to make the habits a permanent part of your daily living is key, and Body Reset provides the tools and knowledge to accomplish this and take your life to the next level. Here are the habits:

Corporate Coaching Program

My corporate programs are designed to integrate with the goals of your business. This could include live group events, Zoom meetings and one-on-ones. Contact me to discuss your goals. Pricing is based on my hourly rate of $125 per hr. Contact me now for more information.

One-On-On Coaching

One-on-on coaching is customized to address your specific needs and billed at the rate of $100 per hour.

Start Up-leveling Your Life Today

Click the “Get Started” button below to fill out our questionnaire. I will follow up by sending with an email, with a link to schedule a free, 45-minute consult. I will address your stated health issues/goals and give you an idea of what we can do the help get you moving in the right direction. I will also answer all your questions and, together, we can determine if my Body Reset program is a good fit for you.

Take the first step to a healthier, happier life by clicking the “Get Started” button below and filling out my questionnaire. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain.


Schedule a free 45-minute consult to see if Body Reset is right for you!

Get Started