7 Reasons to Cold Plunge
Cold Plunge

Why do people cold plunge, cryo and take cold showers? Good question, it’s not to show how badass we are (well maybe for some of us). There are real health benefits to using cold therapy. Research has shown that cold therapy or cryotherapy as some call it, has many potential benefits, Here are 7 reasons […]

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Now Is the Time for a Spring Cleanse
Spring cleanse

Spring finally feels like it’s here (at least where I live). What better way to start spring off than with a spring cleanse! Cleansing doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself or eat strange things, it’s a process of removing things first from your diet that don’t serve you, or that you are using excessively […]

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Use This Natural Quinine Recipe and Stay Healthy
Natural Quinine

I recently came across a natural quinine recipe that I want to share. This recipe is easy to make and has so many health  benefits.  I made a batch and take a shot 1-2 times per week. If you start to feel like a cold or flu coming on, take a shot every day. The […]

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Pregnancy and Your Changing Body: How Ayurveda Can Guide You Through This Amazing Chapter of Your Life
pregnancy ayurveda

Pregnancy can seem ominous—especially during the first trimester when everything is changing so fast. Nourishing your body, staying grounded and supported should be high priorities during this time. Thankfully, Ayurveda can help. I remember when I was pregnant with my first child, my body changed so fast I couldn’t believe it! I just felt bloated […]

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Dry Brushing Your Skin Leads to Happy, Healthy Skin
dry brushing

Today, as I re-read Habit 6 of the Ten Habits, Self-Massage, I realize how much I have come to love my dry brushing and self-massage, and how it has become part of my everyday practice. When I dry brush, my body tingles and feels vibrant and alive. The dead cells are sloughed off to make […]

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10 Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy habits Ayurveda Ayurvedic blog

In a world where Western medicine and Eastern medicine (i.e., holistic healing practices like Ayurveda) collide, it has become an absolute truth that forming healthy habits is the key to living a vibrant and connected life. In almost 30 years as a registered diagnostic sonographer—and more recently as a Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach […]

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Earlier to Bed: the Importance of Sleep
Ayurveda sleep habit

The importance of a good night’s rest cannot be understated, which is why sleep is my keystone habit. “Go to bed!” That’s my mom’s voice telling me to get to bed so I can get enough sleep for school the next day.  So what did I do? I stayed up late, of course, because that’s […]

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