Earlier to Bed: the Importance of Sleep
earlier to bed is an Ayurveda sleep habit

Are you in bed by 10 pm? If not, you’re probably not in your natural circadian rhythm and most likely not getting the quality and quantity of sleep you need. Getting to bed early helps your set your circadian rhythm which is very important for a good night’s sleep, which provides so many great health benefits. […]

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No-Bake Walnut Cocoa Bars
Photo of No Bake Walnut Cocoa Bars

The holiday season is a time for connection, celebration and yes, indulgence. While there are many temptations around, being mindful of what we eat can help us feel energized. My quest for healthy and easy recipes, especially desserts is never ending. Sharing them with you gives me great happiness. This is a simple four-ingredient, no-bake […]

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Ditch Your Toxic Shampoo for a Clean Holistic Alternative
ProLuxe Rebalancing Shampoo and Conditioner Combo

Last year, I made the decision to stop using conventional shampoos because of what the toxic chemicals were doing to my hair and my health. As I looked at the products I was using, I saw ingredients like ammonium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). Gross! So I decided to […]

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What Is Ayurveda?
What Is Ayurveda?

What does Ayurveda mean? Ayu means life and Vedas means deep study. So Ayurveda is the deep study of life. It is a study of all aspects of life. It looks at life as a whole, and not just at specific parts of life like western science tends to do. Some people might also call Ayurveda the Art of […]

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7 Reasons to Cold Plunge
Cold Plunge

Why do people cold plunge, cryo and take cold showers? Good question, it’s not to show how badass we are (well maybe for some of us). There are real health benefits to using cold therapy. Research has shown that cold therapy or cryotherapy as some call it, has many potential benefits, Here are 7 reasons […]

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Now Is the Time for a Spring Cleanse
Spring cleanse

Spring finally feels like it’s here (at least where I live). What better way to start spring off than with a spring cleanse! Cleansing doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself or eat strange things, it’s a process of removing things first from your diet that don’t serve you, or that you are using excessively […]

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Use This Natural Quinine Recipe and Stay Healthy
Natural Quinine

I recently came across a natural quinine recipe that I want to share. This recipe is easy to make and has so many health  benefits.  I made a batch and take a shot 1-2 times per week. If you start to feel like a cold or flu coming on, take a shot every day. The […]

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Delicious Organic Stewed Apples Recipe
organic stewed apples

Here’s a delicious recipe for organic stewed apples that is the perfect dish for Fall and Winter! Why is it perfect you ask? As the seasons change, so should our food preferences. As the weather cools, our bodies crave warmer foods like soups, broths, and other hearty comfort foods. It’s just the way we’re wired. […]

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