I stumbled upon a recipe similar to this a couple of years ago. I love my chocolate so I made the recipe over and over but ended up modifying it here and there. The cayenne, nuts and coconut are optional. Either way you make it—with all the additional goodies or without —it’s a delicious and satisfying Keto Chocolate treat.

BTW…if you’re looking for other Keto-friendly foods, check out health.com for a great list!

Check out my video on how to make these delicious treats.


1-2 tbsp Maple syrup, honey or agave
½ cup nut butter (almond, almond, sunflower)
½ cup coconut oil, organic virgin


½ cup chopped nuts (I used pecan)
½ cup chopped coconut
A dash of cayenne pepper, either in mixture or on top

Baking & Spices

2 tbsp Cacao/Cocoa powder, unsweetened
1 Splash Vanilla extract

In a large pot over low heat melt coconut oil and nut butter. Next, stir in the cocoa powder then the sweetener. Remove from heat and add vanilla extract if using, add optional ingredients and stir. Pour into a spouted cup to make pouring easier. Pour mixture into silicone candy molds, freeze or refrigerate until set.

Remove from molds and store covered in the freezer or fridge. I use the freezer to keep them less soft but experiment to see what you like!! Enjoy!!

If you like this Keto Chocolate recipe, check out my other recipes!

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