Spring finally feels like it’s here (at least where I live). What better way to start spring off than with a spring cleanse! Cleansing doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself or eat strange things, it’s a process of removing things first from your diet that don’t serve you, or that you are using excessively (chocolate, coffee, alcohol etc).
If you suffer from allergies, try this drink to clear mucus. Detoxing helps you clean out from the winter of heavy eating and inactivity. Your cells will thank you for the reset. Start your morning off with a glass of warm lemon water. Add a dash of cayenne pepper. It is not only refreshing but the cayenne helps break up any mucus and is great for allergies too. You can also try this drink for allergies: ginger juice, lemon juice, cayenne, hot water and raw honey. Another reason to start your morning off with a warm drink is that it will lead to elimination. Eliminating (pooping) is very important for your body. Be a pooping champion!
Move your body more! Yes, get up early, watch the sunrise and then move your body for 20 minutes. You can jump rope, do yoga, take a spin class, it will start your day off right, you won’t regret it.
Go to bed early. Be in bed by 10pm, then no screens before you go to sleep. Read a book, do some gentle yoga, meditate. Relax, wind down. The blue light of a screen disrupts the melatonin surge that you need to sleep. Lower melatonin can lead to not only insomnia, but also some cancers and lack of cell repair.
Add more greens into your diet. Spring is a time for growth, make green drinks, eat more salads, add dandelion greens to your salad or smoothie. Doing a spring cleanse now is the optimal time to start, buds are appearing on trees, flowers are coming up, life is happening. Try sprouting, it’s easy and fun to do. You can sprout with a mason jar and cheesecloth or a special lid with holes that is easily purchased. Rinsing your seeds 2x per day until they sprout takes about 3-5 days depending on the seeds. Then you can put those sprouts in your smoothie, your salad or just eat a handful!
To learn more about resetting your body, sign up for a free consultation.
Happy cleansing!